First things first, 2016 is going to be such a great year for superhero movies! This is starting off topic but let me list the known movies for you; Deadpool (February 12th), Batman v Superman (March 25th), Captain America: Civil War (May 6th), X-Men: Apocalypse (May 27th), Suicide Squad (August 5th), and Doctor Strange (November 4th). DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON TV SHOWS (Daredevil, March 18th!!!!).
If you didn't notice by that first paragraph I'm VERY excited for this year. Plus that first paragraph gives me five other blog posts, yay! Back on topic, Batman v Superman picks up where Man of Steel left off. At this point, pretty much all we know is that after Man of Steel, Batman goes to Metropolis to fight Superman but ends up having to team up with him and Wonder Woman, to fight another vigilante.
But nonetheless I tear up with excitement at the thought of this movie. It's the dream team of DC superheros, the trinity of DC, the foundation upon which other superheroes lay, you get the point. It's Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman for crying out loud! I hope all of my exclamation points are making you as excited as I am.
In all of the trailers we see the basics of what I've been telling you, Bruce Wayne attends a party of some sort, where journalist Clark Kent speaks with Bruce to get the latest scoop about Batman from his point of view. I've never read the comics so don't quote me on this, but I believe that in this scene when they are debating about Superman and Batman, they don't know that one another is both Batman and Superman. If that is the case, that they don't know that about each other, then that makes the scene all the more powerful. Because when they do discover each others true identity, which I believe they do (don't quote me on that either), they will be all the more surprised.
Then the fact that the vigilante that they have to fight together is a Frankensteined (is that even a word, I don't think it is) General Zod, is just chaotic. Either way, everything about this movie has been set up to be perfection and I bet the box office results will show how great everyone thinks this movie is.